What is A-Level?
The Advanced Level, known worldwide as the A-Level, is a qualification offered by the UK’s educational institutions. A-level studies are generally 2 years long and universities in the UK determine whether a student is eligible for undergraduate education accordingly.
Also, the vast majority of students receive A-level education at a private further education college. These institutions also offer broader vocational training. Qualification is the most common method UK universities use to determine if a candidate is a good fit for academic majors.
In Which Schools Can Students Take A-Level Education in England?
Oscar Education recommends the following institutions for A-Level education:
Bellerbys College
Brooke House College
Cambridge Tutors College
CATS College
Chelsea Independent College
David Game College
Duff Miller College
International School of Creative Arts
Kings Education
Lansdowne College
Loughborough College
Warwickshire College Group
Take A-Levels in the UK
Make an appointment for a free consultation to get detailed information about A-Level education in the UK.