What is the Foundation Program?
If you are a foreign student about to finish high school exams, have completed less than 13 years of study and want to earn your first degree in the UK, you will need to study at a UK university or college. Foundation education is a one-year preparatory education for foreign students who need a supplement in English and academic preparation to enter a UK university degree course.
Foundation programs are for graduates who have studied in another country’s curriculum but wish to study at a UK university. The Foundation course bridges the gap between your current qualifications and UK university undergraduate entry requirements and is designed to fill academic gaps, improve your English and familiarize you with UK life and culture as you prepare for university.
Foundation Program Types
Foundation programs prepare you for a variety of majors, including business, finance and management, programming, law, art and design, engineering, social sciences, science and pharmacy, media and humanities.
Some foundation providers have partnerships with universities and if the student gets the required grades, they are guaranteed a transfer to that institution. Many programs will ensure that students stay on campus; It will enable the student to take full advantage of the university by providing full access to libraries, equipment and sports facilities.
Foundation Program Terms
Foreign students who want to take a foundation education must get at least 4.5 IELTS points and at least 4.0 points in each section. If you do not have a formal English proficiency, you may need to attend an English course or college before starting the foundation program. The required documents and entry requirements are:
- IELTS score of at least 4.5 or equivalent
- High school diploma
- High School Transcripts
- Reference letter from your high school teacher
- Letter of Intent
- Photocopy of passport and visa
If you need to improve your English, we have IELTS preparation courses for students of all levels and abilities .
Where Can I Get Foundation Training?